
10 Dietary & Lifestyle Changes To Naturally Boost Brain Health


The brain is the body’s control centre. A healthy brain directly correlates to overall well-being. Brain function is affected by age, diet and lifestyle habits. Neurons  are  the most critical constituents of the brain, and cannot be replaced once damaged. Hence, a proactive approach to protect neurons and boost brain health and function is crucial to long-term wellness.


  1. Getting Regular Physical Exercise

Regular physical exercise has countless health benefits, including improving brain health. Both moderate and intensive physical exercise increases blood flow to the brain, preventing age-related mental decline. Physical exercise also uplifts mood and develops new neural connections, boosting brain function and memory.


  1. Getting Adequate Sleep

Seven to nine hours of good-quality sleep is considered adequate. It improves brain function and prevents short and long-term memory loss.

Adequate, good-quality sleep allows the brain to repair itself by clearing abnormal proteins and consolidating memories. On the contrary, fragmented sleep and less sleep duration are associated with poor memory and brain function.

Some conditions like sleep apnea can reduce sleep quality and require immediate treatment.


  1. Reducing Sugar Consumption

High sugar intake can cause diabetes, which increases the risk of dementia. Excess sugar also leads to poor memory and reduced brain function. Hence, limiting sugar intake in the diet is essential for overall physical and mental health.


  1. Supplementing with Fish Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are vital to the functioning of the brain. They are abundant in fish oil (available in supplement form) and are one of the most essential foods for the brain.

Routine consumption of foods or supplements rich in Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, improves memory, improves heart health and prevents cognitive decline.


  1. Maintaining a Healthy Weight

A healthy body weight is vital for both physical and mental well-being.

Being obese or overweight is a high-risk factor for several diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and Alzheimer’s. Obesity can also cause inflammation and insulin resistance in the body, which can cause cognitive decline. Obesity can cause changes in the memory-related genes in the brain, which can adversely affect memory and brain function.

Routine physical exercise and a balanced diet can help one maintain a healthy weight and is a brain boosting lifestyle change.


  1. Reducing Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is a neurotoxin. Excess alcohol consumption, especially binge drinking, can cause several brain problems like brain damage, memory loss and impaired brain function. Binge drinking is the practice of drinking when the blood alcohol level rises above 0.08 grams per ml.

Additionally, excess alcohol is a high-risk factor for other metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, which can further affect brain functioning. Hence, drinking in moderation is a crucial lifestyle change for boosting brain function.


  1. Limiting Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are classified as possessing a high glycemic index, which causes a high spike in blood sugar. Foods containing refined carbohydrates include bread, biscuits, cakes, pasta, white rice etc. Just like excess sugar, regular consumption of refined carbohydrates can cause brain damage.

Refined carbohydrates also negatively impact body weight, blood sugar and cardiovascular system, leading to diabetes, high blood pressure and several other diseases. These diseases can affect both physical and mental well-being.

A balanced diet, low in processed carbohydrates and high in essential macronutrients, promotes brain health.


  1. Maintaining Healthy Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D is crucial for the optimal functioning of the body. A deficiency in vitamin D can cause several complications, including reduced brain function. Since vitamin D deficiency is common, it is important to check one’s vitamin D levels regularly.

Foods abundant in vitamin D are cod liver oil and fatty fish, egg yolk and vitamin D-fortified products such as cow’s milk and orange juice.


  1. Incorporating Meditation in Daily Routine

Regular meditation has several health benefits, including reducing stress, reducing blood pressure and enhancing brain function. Mediation can also increase grey matter in the brain, preventing age-related mental decline and improving memory (both short-term and spatial working memory).


  1. Consuming Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Anti-inflammatory foods such as fruits, vegetables, berries, fish, teas, etc., form a healthy brain diet.

Anti-inflammatory foods reduce inflammation in the body. They can prevent mental decline, improve brain function and lower the chances of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

The brain is one of the human body’s most essential and complex organs. Better brain function is linked to the overall health of the body. Particular lifestyle and diet changes can help boost brain function, prevent or reverse mental decline, and lower Alzheimer’s and dementia risk, thereby greatly enhancing quality of life. Before making any significant lifestyle changes, it is critical to consult with a medical professional and schedule necessary tests with Dr Lal PathLabs to assess current health metrics.




1. What foods are to be avoided to improve brain health?

When consumed regularly, certain foods high in refined carbohydrates can adversely affect brain health. These include white bread, cakes, biscuits, white rice etc.


2.What habits are good for brain health?

Certain habits, when incorporated, can boost brain health like:

  1. Regular exercise
  2. Meditation
  3. Socialising
  4. Staying mentally active


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