
Brain Tumor: Symptoms & Diagnosis


Brain tumor refers to abnormal cell growth in or near the brain. Brain tumors can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous). Both kinds of brain tumors create pressure inside the skull, causing brain damage and can even be life-threatening.

What are the Different Types of Brain tumors?

Based on the location of tumor origin, brain tumors are classified as:

  1. Primary Brain Tumor

This kind of brain tumor originates in the brain itself. A primary brain tumor can develop from brain cells, nerve cells, membranes surrounding the brain, or glands near the brain.

A primary brain tumor can be both malignant and benign.

  1. Secondary Brain Tumor

A secondary brain tumor is caused due to cancer somewhere else in the body. The cancers which can cause tumors in the brain include lung, breast, kidney or skin cancer.

The incidence of secondary brain tumors is higher than primary brain tumors. Secondary brain tumors are always malignant.

What are the Risk Factors for Brain tumors?

The risk factors for brain tumors include:

  1. Age: The risk of developing a brain tumor goes up with age.
  1. Chemical Exposure: Certain chemicals found in the house or workplace like asbestos , when exposed to, can elevate the risk of developing a brain tumor.
  1. Radiation Exposure: Exposure to a certain kind of ionizing radiation raises the risk of developing brain tumors. The exposure could be through high radiation therapy for cancer treatment or a nuclear fallout event.
  1. Family History: A family history of brain tumors can increase one’s risk of developing it. It can be due to some specific DNA changes that are inherited.

What are The Symptoms of a Brain Tumor?

The symptoms of a brain tumor differ with the location and size of the tumor.

A brain tumor putting pressure on the brain tissue causes the following symptoms:

  1. Headaches that get worse in the morning or when coughing
  1. Headaches that occur during sleep
  1. Muscle tremors, muscle weakness and limb weakness
  1. Changes in brain functioning, such as memory loss, confusion, etc.
  1. Loss of balance and bladder control

A pituitary tumor can cause the following symptoms:

  1. Nipple discharge
  1. Stop menstruation in women
  1. Development of male breast tissue
  1. Large hands or feet
  1. Heat or cold sensitivity

How are Brain tumors Diagnosed?

The first step in brain tumor diagnosis is a physical exam. In a physical exam, the doctor checks for proper functioning of the nerves and any swelling in the optic nerve of the eye. The doctor can also evaluate muscle and brain function through tests.

After the physical exam, the doctor can order certain tests to confirm the diagnosis. These brain tumor tests include:

  1. Head CT Scan: A CT scan can help doctors get a detailed view of the brain, including the tissue and blood vessels.
  1. Head MRI: A head MRI can help the doctor detect a brain tumor using a special dye. The pictures obtained using an MRI are more detailed than those obtained from a CT scan. An MRI does not use radiation.
  1. Angiography: An angiography is used to look for the blood supply to the tumors by injecting a special dye into the body.
  1. Skull X-Ray: A skull X-ray can help the doctor look for any fracture to the skull caused by a brain tumor. Apart from this, the X-ray can also detect calcium deposits in a brain tumor.
  1. Biopsy: In a biopsy, the doctor obtains a small piece of the tumor to determine whether it is malignant or benign.

How to Prevent Brain tumors?

Some lifestyle modifications that can lower the risk of developing brain tumors are:

  1. Avoiding tobacco and exposure to tobacco smoke
  1. Maintaining a healthy weight
  1. Avoiding excess alcohol consumption
  1. Protecting the skin from the sun
  1. Exercising regularly

Malignant and benign brain tumors can be life-threatening. Early detection and brain tumor treatment are vital to prevent brain damage and avoid the spread of cancer to other parts of the body. Upon noticing any symptoms of a brain tumor given here, they should consult a doctor, and if the doctor suggests schedule a brain CT scan.


  1. Can a brain tumor be prevented?

Certain lifestyle modifications can help lower the risk of developing a brain tumor. These include:

  1. Avoiding smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke
  1. Maintaining a healthy body weight
  1. Avoiding exposure to cancer-causing chemicals and radiation
  1. Exercising regularly
  1. Are benign brain tumors harmless?

Benign brain tumors are not harmless. They can cause serious complications due to increased pressure on the brain tissue.

  1. Where do brain tumors occur?

Brain tumors can occur inside the brain or the membranes and glands (like the pituitary gland) surrounding the brain.


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