
5 Worst Foods to Eat If You Have Arthritis


Arthritis is a condition of the joints that affects millions. It affects the joints and connective tissues in the body and causes swelling, pain, and limited movement, affecting the quality of life.

The condition is often linked with old age but can affect people of all ages. While several treatments exist, diet and lifestyle changes can significantly help the individual in managing symptoms. Let’s take a look at what arthritis is, and which foods should be avoided if one has arthritis.

What is Arthritis?

There are over 100 different types of arthritis, and they all involve some level of inflammation. Arthritis is typically defined as “joint inflammation”. Some of the most common types of this condition are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is the condition where the soft tissue covering the ends of bones (cartilage) breaks down. A new study by The Lancet Rheumatology reveals that Osteoarthritis affects 15% of the global population above the age of 30, mainly in the knees and hands.

On the other hand, in rheumatoid arthritis, the body’s immune system starts attacking its joints, starting with the joint lining.

Depending on which type of arthritis one has been diagnosed with, it could bring symptoms like pain, swelling, decreasing range of motion, stiffness, and redness. In extreme cases, it could lead to losing shape and alignment in the joints, and problems while sitting upright, walking, or even performing daily tasks.


What are the Causes of Arthritis?

Arthritis is more common in older people (OA is most common in people over 50) and in women, and may be caused by several factors. These factors can be hereditary, injury to a joint or obesity.

However, an often overlooked cause of arthritis is diet. Certain foods and drinks like processed foods, sugar, and alcohol can put one at greater risk for developing or worsening this condition.

Making the right dietary choices and avoiding certain foods will help reduce the risk of developing arthritis, or help control arthritis symptoms alongside treatment.

Here, we will look at some foods to steer clear of when dealing with any form of arthritis.


5 Foods to Avoid with Arthritis

  1. Highly processed foods

Highly processed foods such as packaged chips and cookies, sodas, sweetened cereals, and more contain ingredients typically not used in home-cooked meals, such as flavourings, colourants, artificial sweeteners, etc.

These are inflammatory ingredients, which lead to inflammation in the body and worsen the symptoms of arthritis. Additionally, eating large amounts of processed foods could lead to obesity, which is another common cause of arthritis.


  1. Sugar

Consuming large amount of added sugar is particularly harmful to those with arthritis. Foods with excess sugar include candy, chocolates, sugary sodas, and condiments like ketchup and barbeque sauce.

Data from PubMed Central reveals that sugary sodas and desserts are likely to worsen the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Avoiding sugar is a good way of preventing the risk of getting arthritis, as well as the symptoms caused by it.


  1. Highly salty foods

Some of the worst foods for arthritis are those with high salt content as it can lead to inflammation in the body. Research by PubMed Central suggests that diets with high sodium intake may lead to autoimmune diseases like inflammatory arthritis. It is also linked to an increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

 Cutting back on excessively salty food items such as cheeses, processed meats, canned foods, and more reduces the risk of developing arthritis and helps manage the symptoms better.

  1. Gluten

Gluten is a protein found in cereals like barley, rye, wheat, and others. It has been known to cause inflammation in some people, leading to joint pain. It can also lead to celiac disease (a reaction to gluten) and rheumatoid arthritis.


  1. Carbohydrates

While carbohydrates are necessary and provide energy, simple carbohydrates have a negative effect on the body. Refined (or simple) carbohydrates found in foods such as breads, white rice, and packaged cookies can cause inflammation and obesity. These are both risk factors when it comes to developing arthritis and can worsen symptoms for those who already have it.

A healthy diet can do wonders when dealing with arthritis. It is important to get advice from a medical professional when it comes to planning arthritis diet.



  1. What causes arthritis?

Some causes of arthritis include injuries to joints, obesity, and poor diet. Controlling diet and lifestyle can help reduce the risk of developing arthritis and manage symptoms.

  1. What foods are best to eat with arthritis?

An anti-inflammatory diet is good for those dealing with arthritis. This could include lots of fruits and vegetables, fish, nuts, olive oil, and whole grains.


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