
3rd Trimester – Weeks, Development, Physical & Psychological Changes

3rd-trimester-imageThird trimester (28 to 40 Weeks)

The third trimester in pregnancy is the final stage of pregnancy.Pregnancy trimester

Fetal Development

Most of the organs and body systems are fully formed during the third trimester of pregnancy. However, the fetus continues to grow and mature. Fetus may also suck its thumb and cry. By the time of delivery, the head may turn downward, but that may vary from case to case. The lungs at the beginning of the trimester are not fully developed, but by the time of delivery, the lungs are developed.


Physical Development

Some of the physical symptoms during this period include shortness of breath, hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence, varicose veins, and sleeping problems. Many of these third-trimester symptoms arise from the increase in the size of the uterus.


Psychological Changes

The onset of the third trimester in pregnancy may often mark with mild forgetfulness. As the due date approaches, anxiety may increase about the childbirth and the arrival of the baby. In the third trimester, some women may feel enthusiastic and positive about childbirth while others may feel irritable which is a common symptom. Feelings of fatigue and discomfort is common amongst many women.

During different trimesters of pregnancy, the changes, symptoms may vary in each woman. It is important that expecting mothers are regularly consulting gynecologists.


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