
High Uric Acid Levels: Causes, Diagnosis, and Prevention 

What is uric acid? 

Uric acid is a nitrogenous compound which is produced as a waste product of metabolic processes and is excreted by the kidneys.  

Most uric acid dissolves in the blood. The kidneys then filter the uric acid out of the blood, and the body excretes it through urination. 

What is the high uric acid level? 

If too much uric acid has been produced, or if kidneys are not able to remove it, the blood level of uric acid increases. The presence of high uric acid in the blood, called hyperuricemia, can lead to conditions such as gout (a form of arthritis), kidney stones, or chronic kidney disease. 

High uric acid is also associated with a higher risk of developing heart disease, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and metabolic syndrome. 

What are the causes of high uric acid levels? 

 There is not much information on the causes of high levels of uric acid.

Though risk factors include: 

  • Excessive alcohol intake 
  • Being male. High uric acid levels occur more commonly in men, whereas women usually get affected after menopause. 
  • High purine diets such as meat, beans, peas, seafood, and refined sugars 
  • Diabetes 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Some medications, such as diuretics (water tablets) 
  • Hypothyroidism 
  • Obesity 
  • The efficiency of the kidneys may be impaired by kidney damage. That means that waste products are not filtered properly, leading to a high level of uric acid. 

What are the symptoms of high uric acid levels? 

The signs and symptoms of high uric acid levels include: 

  • Painful or swollen joints 
  • Redness & inflammation in joints 
  • Pain in the side 
  • Back pain 

How is the high uric acid level diagnosed? 

The Uric Acid Serum test determines how well the body produces and excretes uric acid. 

The Uric Acid Serum test is most commonly used to:

  • Diagnose and monitor gout 
  • Diagnose kidney disorders 
  • Monitor kidney function post-injury, chemotherapy, or radiation treatment 
  • Monitor treatment efficacy of medications used to lower uric acid 
  • Identify the reason for recurrent kidney stones 

A blood sample will be taken from an arm vein by a medical professional. For the Uric Acid Serum test, no specific preparations are required, though your doctor may instruct you if any specific preparations are required for the test. 

The Uric Acid Serum test results are measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). The doctor will evaluate the results based on health and other factors. 

How can high levels of uric acid be prevented? 

The tips to prevent high uric acid levels are:

  • Lose weight, if necessary. Gout is more likely to occur if you are overweight. Additionally, too much weight put extra strain on joints. 
  • Limit intake of organ meats, red meat, fish, and alcoholic beverages 
  • Avoid sugar and eat more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables 
  • Drink more water to help kidneys flush out uric acid faster 
  • Manage blood sugar levels 
  • Add more fiber to the diet as it can help reduce uric acid levels  
  • Take all prescribed medications as directed by the doctor 
  • Regular exercise 
  • Reduce stress 

You can help reduce the levels of uric acid by combining a good diet with exercise and medicines. 



This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as advice or as a substitute for consulting a physician. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment from a healthcare professional. 


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