
Are There Early Signs of Kidney Cancer?



Kidneys are two fist-sized organs, each shaped like a bean. They are located in the abdomen on either side of the spine. Kidneys filter the blood and make urine. Abnormal growth of malignant cells in the kidneys causes kidney cancer. Kidney cancer can be of different types.

Symptoms of kidney cancer usually do not appear until the tumour has fully grown. Additionally, kidney cancer is more challenging to find compared to other cancers, such as skin or breast cancer. Hence, it is essential to recognise the early signs and seek medical attention for a better outcome.

This article discusses kidney cancer, its risk factors, early warning signs, and more.


What is Kidney cancer?

The location of origin decides the name of certain cancers. Kidney cancer originates in the kidney’s cells.

Kidney cancer is the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells in the kidney tissue. These cells form a mass called a tumor. Kidney cancer can spread to other tissues and organs in the body.


What are the causes of Kidney cancer?

Specific causes of kidney cancer aren’t known. However, certain factors can elevate the chances of developing it. These risk factors are:

  1. Smoking: Smoking is one of the most prominent risk factors for kidney cancer.
  2. Age: The risk of getting kidney cancer increases with age.
  3. Obesity: People with excess body weight are at a higher risk of kidney cancer.
  4. Hypertension: Suffering from high blood pressure increases one’s chance of developing kidney cancer.
  5. Dialysis: People who receive long-term dialysis to deal with chronic kidney failure are at a higher risk of kidney cancer.
  6. Family History: A family history of kidney cancer can increase one’s chances of developing it.
  7. Inherited Conditions: Certain inherited syndromes, such as von Hippel-Lindau disease and tuberous sclerosis, can increase the risk of kidney cancer.
  8. Radiation Therapy: Treatment of cancer in the reproductive organs through radiation can increase the risk of kidney cancer.


What are the Symptoms of Kidney Cancer?

Since kidney cancer is more challenging to detect from the outside, it is vital to keep an eye out for early warning signs of kidney cancer. Kidney disease cancer symptoms can often be missed in the beginning. Symptoms of stage-I kidney cancer include:

  1. Blood in the urine (main symptom)
  2. Pain in lower back or side
  3. Fever
  4. Night sweats
  5. Fatigue
  6. Feeling a mass in the lower back, side or abdomen
  7. Unexplained weight loss
  8. Swollen ankles
  9. Anemia
  10. Loss of appetite


How is Kidney Cancer Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of kidney cancer requires a personal and family medical history, physical exam and diagnostic kidney tests.

In the physical exam, doctors can look for any lump or swelling in the abdomen. The diagnostic tests used for detecting kidney cancer include:

  1. Urinalysis: Urinalysis involves detecting blood, signs of infection and cancer cells in the urine.
  2. Blood Chemistry Test: Kidney cancer can elevate certain chemicals and enzymes in the blood. Blood chemistry tests can detect these changes.
  3. Ultrasound: Ultrasound can measure the shape and size of the kidneys. If there is a tumour, an ultrasound can display its shape and size.
  4. Renal Angiography: Renal angiography looks at the blood vessels supplying blood to the kidneys in detail. If a tumor is there, the blood supply to the tumor also becomes visible.
  5. Kidney Biopsy: A small sample of kidney tissue is removed and tested for cancer in a kidney biopsy.
  6. Abdominal CT Scan: A CT scan uses X-rays to create cross-sectional images of bones, fat, muscle, organs and blood vessels. Using a CT scan, the doctor can determine if the cancer has spread to the other areas.


How to Prevent Kidney Cancer?

Some steps that can lower the risk of kidney cancer are as follows:

  1. Not smoking
  2. Eating a healthy, balanced diet
  3. Maintaining a normal, healthy body weight
  4. Avoiding exposure to chemicals in the workplace
  5. Properly managing high blood pressure
  6. Properly managing metabolic conditions like diabetes

As is the case with most types of cancer, such as renal cancer, symptoms often might not appear in the beginning. However, keeping the above points in mind and leading a healthy life can help prevent cancer onset.

Early detection of kidney cancer is paramount for successful treatment. If an individual notices any early signs of kidney cancer given here, they should consult a doctor and get tested at Dr Lal PathLabs.




1. Can kidney cancer be prevented?

Some lifestyle changes can reduce the chances of kidney cancer. These include avoiding smoking, controlling blood pressure, and maintaining a normal body weight.


2. What are the different stages of kidney cancer?

Kidney cancer has four stages, I-IV. In stage I, the cancer is limited to the kidneys, while in stage IV, the cancer is considered advanced and could have spread to other areas in the body.


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