Everything You Should Know About Potassium Test
Potassium levels in the blood are indicators of underlying conditions such as kidney disease or
Potassium levels in the blood are indicators of underlying conditions such as kidney disease or
The adrenal glands in the body secrete a hormone called aldosterone (ALD) that regulates blood
Bacteria in the body produce ammonia by breaking down protein. The liver converts this ammonia
Phosphorus is a mineral crucial to several physiological processes in the body. The bones and
The body makes uric acid, a waste product, by breaking down a chemical in
Kidney cancer occurs when the kidney cells change and start growing uncontrollably. According to
Kidneys are two fist-sized organs, each shaped like a bean. They are located in
Asthma is a health condition characterized by difficulty breathing, coughing, and wheezing. According to the World Health
Signs of Kidney Infection Kidneys remove waste material from the blood and produce urine. Urine
APOL1-Mediated Kidney Disease (AMKD) is a genetic condition, also known as APOL1-associated nephropathy. It is marked
Have you done a full body and wondered what high creatinine levels mean? If you’re
How MGN has undergone a paradigm shift over past Decade?
Overview The kidneys remove waste products from the blood through the urine. When waste products
Overview Did you know that 17 in every 100 Indians suffer from some form of
डेंगू एक ऐसी बीमारी है जिसकी जानकारी बहुत ज़रूरी है| ...
Dengue fever, a prevalent mosquito-borne viral illness, often presents challenges ...
Platelets are tiny blood cells that form blood clots in ...
Dengue fever is caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes which ...
Maintaining a balanced diet is beneficial and crucial during malaria ...
Diabetes is a chronic health condition impacting millions of people ...
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only pathology reports available inline. for X-Ray, ultrasound, ECG, TMT, Echo, PFT, uroflowmetry reports, please visit the concerned center where test has been conducted