
Can Asthma Get Worse During Summers?


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as many as 262 million people were affected by asthma, and 4,55,000 died due to this chronic disease in 2019. Asthma is a highly prevalent non-communicable disease that affects both children and adults.

It is characterised by the inflammation and restriction of the narrow airways in the lungs. This can worsen during the summer due to a variety of factors. As a result, asthma patients must exercise due care in order to prevent flare-ups.

This article discusses asthma and summer, its causes, symptoms and tips to prevent the condition from worsening during hot weather.

What Are the Causes of Asthma During Hot Weather?

Asthma and summer are a critical combination. The high temperatures can exacerbate this lung disease and trigger symptoms in asthma patients. This is because of the unique weather conditions during the summer, which include:

  1. Heat: Breathing in hot air can narrow airways and trigger asthma symptoms in patients. Further, dehydration can aggravate the condition by triggering the individuals to take rapid breaths.
  2. Summer Allergens: Individuals suffering from allergic asthma are at risk of triggering their symptoms with tree pollen, grass pollen, weed pollen, and the like that are common in the summer.
  3. Humidity: Humidity is characterised by air that is full of moisture. This makes the air heavier to breathe in, which can trigger and aggravate the asthma
  4. Ozone and Air Pollution: High temperatures and stagnant air can increase ozone levels and air pollution. This drop in air quality can irritate the respiratory organs, damage cells in the lungs and reduce lung function, triggering and worsening asthma.


What Are the Symptoms of Asthma During Summers?

The symptoms of asthma during summer are the same as during other seasons. These include:

  1. Coughing: Individuals may experience dry or mucus-filled coughs, which can be extreme during the night or early morning.
  2. Tightness in Chest: Individuals might feel a weight on their chest or a squeezing feeling that prevents them from taking deep breaths.
  3. Wheezing: Individuals may make a squeaky or whistling sound when they breathe out. These sounds might be faint at times and require a stethoscope to identify them.
  4. Shortness of Breath: Individuals might feel that they can’t catch their breath or take deep breaths.

Here are the signs that an individual’s asthma is worsening:

  1. The frequency and discomfort of asthma symptoms is increasing.
  2. They are experiencing increasing difficulty in breathing, as tracked by a peak flow meter, a handheld device used to check how well air moves out of the lungs.
  3. They need to use their inhaler more often.

Individuals experiencing the above three symptoms of worsening asthma must consult a healthcare professional at the earliest.


How To Prevent Asthma During Hot Weather?

Asthma is a long-term lung disease that has no cure currently. However, individuals can take proactive steps to prevent flare-ups of asthma during hot weather. These include:

  1. Individuals must stay indoors on hot days and keep their windows closed as well.
  2. Individuals must try to stay cool. Using an air conditioner with clean filters and a dehumidifier can help maintain favourable conditions.
  3. Individuals must check the local air quality index and pollen index before stepping out of their house.
  4. Individuals must have a bath after returning home to remove any pollens that might be on them.
  5. Individuals must stay hydrated. Sufficient water in the body helps thin mucus in the airways and the lungs while keeping the body cool.
  6. Individuals must ensure they do not falter in their asthma medication routine.
  7. Individuals must consult a doctor to adjust their asthma medication routine and plan ahead to manage asthma during hot weather.

Rising temperatures and increased humidity in summer can trigger and aggravate asthma symptoms. Keeping the above points in mind can help prevent asthma flare-ups and ensure a healthy summer. Asthma patients who observe worsening symptoms must consult a medical professional and book a test with Dr Lal PathLabs to manage the condition effectively.



1. Does Asthma Get Worse in the Summer?

Yes, asthma does get worse in the summer. This is due to the rise in temperature, summer allergens, humidity and rising ozone and air pollution levels.


2. What Type of Weather Triggers Asthma?

Hot and humid air, as well as cold and dry air, can trigger and aggravate asthma flare-ups. Asthma patients must take measures to prevent flare-ups and consult a doctor to manage the disease effectively during extreme weather conditions.


3. Is Asthma Worse in Summer or Winter?

Asthma can get worse both in summer and winter. This is because extreme weather conditions, such as hot and humid air or cold and dry air, can irritate the respiratory organs and trigger asthma symptoms.


4. Does Hot Weather Increase Asthma?

Yes, hot weather can aggravate asthma symptoms. The hot, dry air coupled with rising ozone and air pollution levels can exacerbate this lung disease’s symptoms. Individuals observing worsening asthma symptoms must consult a doctor at the earliest.


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