
Breast Cancer and Nutrition: Dietary Tips for Supporting Your Health During Treatment

Breast Cancer and Nutrition

Proper nutrition is essential during breast cancer treatment. A nutritious diet can help in cancer recovery, support tissue health and weight management, and alleviate the side effects of breast cancer treatment. This blog provides useful nutrition tips including what foods to eat and avoid with breast cancer.

Importance of Nutrition During Breast Cancer Treatment

Good nutrition during breast cancer treatment can help in:


  1. Supporting the Immune System: A well-balanced diet for breast cancer patients can help boost immunity and support the body’s defence system, aiding in preventing infections.
  2. Maintaining Energy Levels: Breast cancer treatment often leads to fatigue, which can be managed with a diet that delivers the necessary energy and nutrients.
  3. Repairing Tissue: Breast cancer treatment such as radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery can cause tissue damage in the body. A healthy and nutritious diet can help in tissue repair during recovery.
  4. Managing Side Effects: Breast cancer treatment can lead to various side effects such as mouth sores, loss of appetite and nausea. A proper diet can help manage these side effects effectively.

Foods to Eat with Breast Cancer Treatment

Some essential food items to include during breast cancer treatment are:


1. Fruits and Vegetables


Fruits and vegetables contain numerous vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fibre. These nutrients help lower inflammation and boost the immune system. During breast cancer treatment, a variety of fruits and vegetables should be added to a breast cancer patient diet, such as:


• Berries
• Leafy green vegetables
• Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli
• Citrus fruits such as orange and lemons


2. Lean Proteins


Protein is one of the most critical building blocks in the body and helps repair tissue and maintain muscle mass. Some lean protein sources to include in a diet in cancer are:


• Low-fat dairy products
• Eggs
• Fish
• Chicken
• Legumes
• Tofu


3. Whole Grains


Whole grains are abundant in nutrients and fibre, which help maintain energy levels and support digestive health. Some whole grains to include in the diet during breast cancer treatment are:


• Whole wheat bread
• Oats
• Quinoa
• Brown rice


4. Healthy Fats


Healthy fats help regulate hormones and improve brain health. Sources of healthy fats include:


• Fatty fish
• Nuts and seeds
• Olive oil
• Avocado


Foods to Avoid with Breast Cancer Treatment 

Some foods to avoid during breast cancer treatment are:


  1. Alcohol: Alcohol can interact unfavourably with breast cancer drugs and should be avoided during and after breast cancer treatment.
  2. Spicy food: Spicy or acidic food can make mouth ulcers during breast cancer treatment worse and should be avoided.
  3. Undercooked Foods: Raw or undercooked food items such as raw nuts, chicken, poultry, fish or milk can lead to infections due to reduced immunity and should be avoided.
  4. Sugar Beverages: Excess sugar during breast cancer treatment can lead to weight gain causing several health complications.
  5. Processed and Refined Foods: Ultra-processed foods can increase the risk of getting breast cancer and should be avoided.

Managing Breast Cancer Side Effects with Nutrition

The following tips can help manage the various side effects of breast cancer treatment through nutrition:


  1. Nausea: Eating small, frequent meals with bland and easy-to-digest foods can help combat nausea.
  2. Loss of Appetite: Focusing on nutrient-dense foods such as high-calorie and high-protein smoothies can help combat loss of appetite.
  3. Fatigue: Staying hydrated and eating balanced meals high in whole grains and lean protein can help overcome fatigue during breast cancer treatment.
  4. Mouth Sores: Avoiding acidic, crunchy and spicy food can help manage mouth sores.

Useful Dietary Tips to Follow During Breast Cancer Treatment

  1. Eat Smaller Meals: Smaller, more frequent meals can help combat nausea and bloating effectively during breast cancer treatment.
  2. Consult a Dietician: A dietician can help one prepare customized meal plans that can help overcome breast cancer treatment’s side effects while supporting recovery.
  3. Avoid Metal Utensils: Breast cancer treatment can leave an unpleasant metallic taste giving food a bad flavour. Using plastic utensils can help improve food taste.
  4. Add More Fluids: Adding fluids like shakes to the diet can help overcome loss of appetite during breast cancer treatment. Additionally, fluids help keep the body hydrated, which is essential in case of vomiting.

Diet and nutrition play an essential role during breast cancer treatment by maintaining energy levels, repairing tissue, and managing the side effects of treatment. With breast cancer, early diagnosis and medical attention are critical to a better prognosis. Upon noticing signs and symptoms of breast cancer, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor and book a test for breast cancer at Dr Lal PathLabs.


1. What are some foods that prevent breast cancer?

Some foods that prevent cancer are:
• Fruits and vegetables
• Berries
• Lean proteins such as chicken, legumes and eggs.
• Fatty fish, nuts and avocado

2. What are the warning signs of breast cancer?

• Lump inside breast
• Changes in breast shape and size
• Prominent veins on breast surface
• Pain in one area of the breast that doesn’t go away

3. When to go for a breast cancer screening?

Women over the age of 40 should have regular breast cancer screening every other year.



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