
Health Effects of Tobacco

6 Health Effects of Tobacco

India is the world’s second-largest consumer and producer of tobacco, and a wide range of tobacco products are accessible at relatively affordable prices. According to WHO, nearly 267 million adults (15 years and above) in India use tobacco.


The most prevalent form of tobacco used in India is smokeless tobacco like betel quid with tobacco and zarda and the smoking forms of tobacco are cigarettes and hookah. Tobacco is a major risk factor for many chronic diseases, such as cancer, lung disease, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Tobacco continues to claim millions of lives globally each year. Below are various diseases and conditions associated with tobacco use.

Respiratory Disorders and Lung Cancer

The increased risk of developing lung cancer is the most well-known negative health effect of tobacco smoking. 85% of lung cancer cases are mostly brought on by smoking. The cancer-causing substances in tobacco smoke gradually deteriorate lung tissue, causing malignant tumours to grow. Smoking is also connected to several respiratory conditions that seriously impair lung function and lower quality of life, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.

Cardiovascular Disorders

The use of tobacco severely harms the cardiovascular system by raising the risk of peripheral vascular disease, heart disease, and stroke. The lining of blood vessels is damaged by the toxic compounds in cigarette smoke, which leads to atherosclerosis (hardening and constriction of arteries) and lowers blood flow to essential organs. The addictive substance in cigarettes, nicotine, also causes blood pressure and pulse rate to rise, placing additional strain on the cardiovascular system. Giving up smoking may significantly decrease the risk of heart disease and enhance cardiovascular health in general.

Oral Health Issues

Smoking raises the chance of developing oral cancer, including malignancies of the lips, tongue, throat, and gums. Additionally, it contributes to the development of periodontal disease, which is characterised by gum inflammation and infection, bone resorption, and tooth loss.

Smoking also causes teeth to become discoloured, chronic bad breath, and an increased risk of dental infections. Chewing betel nut has been associated with an increased risk of developing oral cancer. Betel nut, also known as areca nut, is a seed that is often chewed along with other ingredients like betel leaf, slaked lime, and tobacco.

Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and reduces the health of people, which leads to many diseases.

Cancer in Other Parts of the Body

Several other types of cancer are also caused by cigarette use. Smokers carry a higher chance of getting cancer in several kinds of organs, including the oesophagus, larynx, pancreas, bladder, kidney, cervix, and stomach. Furthermore, secondhand smoke exposure is a serious issue because it increases the incidence of lung cancer and other tobacco-related cancers in non-smokers.

Reproductive Issues

Tobacco affects the reproductive health of both men and women. Smoking is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, early birth, low birth weight, and stillbirth, as well as a reduction in fertility in both sexes. Smoking during pregnancy exposes the developing foetus to dangerous substances that can have long-term impacts on the child’s health.

Skin Damage and Ageing

The use of tobacco has a major negative impact on skin health and speeds up ageing. Smoking causes the development of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin, which makes people look older than they are. Smoking tobacco also deprives the skin of vital nutrients and oxygen, which impairs wound healing and causes a dull complexion and increased dryness.



This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as advice or as a substitute for consulting a physician. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment from a healthcare professional.


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