
How Does Humidity Affect Asthma?


Asthma can be triggered at any time of the year. However, on days with high humidity and heat, asthma patients are at an even higher risk of asthma flare-ups. The increased moisture in the air, coupled with a rise in temperature, can irritate the respiratory organs, triggering and exacerbating asthma symptoms.

This article is a comprehensive guide that aims to empower asthma patients and caregivers by providing an understanding of the link between humidity and asthma. It delves into how humid weather can affect asthma and offers practical tips on managing this lung disease effectively during sultry weather conditions.


Why Does Humidity Affect Asthma?

Humidity is characterised by heavy moisture in the air. This triggers bronchoconstriction, which involves the narrowing of airways. As a result, individuals can find it hard to breathe. Humid weather is also conducive to mould and dust mites, which can further aggravate asthma symptoms.

The symptoms of asthma in humidity are the same as they are during other weather conditions. These include:

  1. Wheezing: Individuals may develop a whistling or squeaky sound as they breathe out. This sound can sometimes be extremely faint, requiring a doctor to use a stethoscope to identify them.
  2. Coughing: Individuals may develop mucus-filled or dry coughs, which can be especially uncomfortable at night or early in the morning.
  3. Tightness in Chest: Individuals can feel a heavy weight on their chest that restricts their ability to take deep breaths.
  4. Shortness of Breath: Individuals might take rapid breaths and feel as if they can’t catch their breath or take deep breaths.

The above-mentioned symptoms can worsen during high humidity.

Here are the signs to look out for:

  1. Individuals experience asthma symptoms more frequently and with increasing intensity.
  2. Individuals experience increasing difficulty in taking deep breaths as tracked by a peak flow meter, a handheld device that checks how well air flows out of the lungs.
  3. Individuals need to use their inhaler more often.

If individuals experience the above three symptoms of worsening asthma, they must consult a medical professional as soon as possible.


How Does Humidity Affect Asthma?

High moisture in the air causes humidity, and asthma patients can be severely affected by this. This is because humid air can trigger and aggravate asthma considerably. Here’s how:


1. Individuals Find it Hard to Breath

With the increase in moisture in the air, the air becomes heavy and dense. This makes it harder to breathe in as such heavy air can irritate the airways, making them narrower.

Further, when breathing is constricted, the body temperature increases, and the body starts sweating. This leads to dehydration, forcing individuals to take rapid breaths, triggering asthma and aggravating it.


2. Sensory Nerve Fibres Get Activated

Humid air increases the temperature of the airways, activating sensory nerves known as C fibres. These thermosensitive fibres can constrict and narrow the airways as a defence mechanism, leading to bouts of cough. As a result, individuals can feel shortness of breath and a restricted ability to take deep breaths.


3. Allergens Increase

Humid weather conditions are a breeding ground for allergens such as mould and dust mites. This can aggravate asthma symptoms by disturbing the smooth functioning of respiratory organs.


4. Ozone Levels and Air Pollution Increases

High humidity decreases air quality by increasing ozone levels on the ground. An increase in this chemical can irritate airways and lungs, restricting an individual’s ability to breathe. Additionally, humid conditions stagnate the air, trapping pollutants such as mould spores, allergens, and car exhaust, further reducing air quality.


Tips to Manage Asthma in Humidity

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that restricts an individual’s ability to breathe normally. Since there is no cure for it currently, individuals must take certain steps to reduce the chances of asthma flare-ups during humid weather conditions. These include:

  1. Individuals must remain indoors on humid days and keep their windows closed to ensure prevent high humidity within the house.
  2. Individuals must use a dehumidifier and air conditioner with clean filters to reduce humidity and maintain comfortable conditions.
  3. Individual must check their local air quality index before leaving their house.
  4. Individuals must stay hydrated. Water helps thin mucus in the airways and lungs while keeping the body temperature low.
  5. Individuals must ensure they take their asthma medication timely.
  6. Individuals must consult their doctors and adjust their asthma medication if necessary to manage their condition better during humid weather.

Humid weather can cause discomfort and irritation in the airways, aggravating asthma symptoms. Individuals must consult a doctor and book a test with Dr Lal PathLabs to manage the condition effectively during the sultry weather.



1. Is Asthma Worse in Humidity?

Yes, asthma can worsen in humid weather. This is because the air holds more moisture and becomes heavier to breathe. Additionally, the C-fibres in the airways get activated and can constrict breathing further.


2. How to Treat Asthma in Humid Weather?

Individuals must discuss their asthma treatment with a medical professional to learn how best they can treat the condition in humid weather.


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