
Best PE-backed Healthcare Service Company

vol 17

Best PE-backed Healthcare Service Company : Dr. Lal PathLabs Pvt Ltd

winner of vc circle

(Hony) Brig. Dr. Arvind Lal, Chairman and Managing Director, Dr Lal PathLabs and Dr Om P Manchanda, CEO, Dr Lal PathLabs with the award for the winner of VC Circle Annual Award 2012 for Best PE-backed Healthcare Service Company. Dr Lal PathLabs was among the most outstanding Indian companies who had not only recorded exceptional growth in their respective industries but also had a long-standing impact on the economy in general. The awards were given across sectors in venture capital and private equity categories for their work in private equity space in 2011.



What is Newborn Screening?

Newborn screening is a set of blood tests to look for evidence of certain endocrine and genetic disorders. Newborn screening has the potential to identify risk of certain diseases before the appearance of clinical symptoms. Early detection and early treatment can prevent mental retardation, spasticity, serious illness, and premature death.

World Statistics

According to World Health Organisation (WHO), 140 million children are born every year, of which 5 million children die in the first month of life in the developing countries and 4 million children are born with some genetic abnormality. Whenever a child dies due to unknown cause, it is termed as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). It is estimated that 25-30% of such children are unable to thrive due to metabolic disorders. In other words, 25-30% of SIDS are a result of treatable metabolic disorders.  These children suffer from life threatening complications occurring as a result of disturbance in the metabolic pathway. The  diagnosis  can  be preempted  & the  complications    well controlled  by newborn screening.

A study by March of Dimes has revealed that in 2007, almost 90 percent of newborns (about 4 million babies) in the United States were tested for almost 29 genetic disorders.

Indian Statistics

People of India constitute more than one-sixth of the World’s population, but statistically they have been under-represented in newborn screening. About 4 percent of the population in India suffers from mental retardation and 5-15% of the sick newborns have a metabolic problem. It is estimated that 1 in 2000 Indian newborns suffer at birth from some kind of metabolic disorder. The World ratio for the same category is 1 in 3600.   An estimated 3,90,000 children with G6PD deficiency and 9760 with aminoacid disorders are born in India each year ( Dr IC Verma, Community Genetics 2002;5:192-196). Dr Radha Rama Devi, in her study (Newborn Screening in India. Indian J Pediatr 2004;71:157-160) observed a high prevalence of inborn errors of metabolism ( metabolic genetic disorders) to the extent of 1 in every thousand births. A prevalence of congenital hypothyroidism 1 in 1700 , congenital adrenal hypothyroidism 1 in 2575 and aminoacid disorders 1 in 3600 was observed. Dr Mamta Muranjan from Mumbai detected 13.85% of confirmed cases of organic disorders in four year study from 1995-1998 (Indian Pediatrics 2001;31:518-524).

Even if we consider a meager 2% of live births in India to develop metabolic genetic disorders, then 500,000 affected children are born every year.

Disorders Included in Newborn Screening Panel

  • Biotinidase Deficiency
  • Galactosemia
  • Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
  • Congenital Primary Hypothyroidism
  • G6PD Deficiency
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Galactosemia
  • Disorders   of  Aminoacids,   Organic a c i d s   &   F a t t y   a c i d   o x i d a t i o b Tandem Mass  Spectrometry

Biotinidase Deficiency:

Biotinidase deficiency is a disorder caused by the lack of enzyme biotinidase. Babies with partial or total deficiency need more biotin than normally found in the diet. Biotin is a water soluble vitamin of the B complex group.

Clinical manifestations – Children with biotinidase deficiency may present with clinical symptoms as early as first week of life, but usually begin to show clinical symptoms between 3 to 6 months of age. If untreated, they develop a variety of cutaneous and neurological abnormalities. Affected children usually have myoclonic seizures,hypotonia, seborrheic or atopic dermatitis, partial or complete alopecia.

Laboratory findings include ketolactic acidosis, organic aciduria, mild hyperammonemia. Metabolic acidosis can result in coma and death.

Treatment if initiated sufficiently early can prevent the occurence of clinical symptoms. Once neurological symptoms appear, it is not   possible to reverse the damage with treatment. Sensorium & hearing loss is common with profound biotinidase deficiency and is usually irreversible.

Screening is done by assessment of biotinidase activity on whole blood spotted on filter paper. Cases  detected  as profound  or partially    deficient,  are confirmed  by testing biotinidase activity in serum.

Benefit of Screening: Observation at LPL is that biotinidase deficiency is the   most common disorder. Once symptoms  have occurred,  some of the findings  particularly neurologic are not reversible with therapy.

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia:

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a disorder of adrenal cortex. Majority of CAH cases are attributable to 21-hydroxylation defect in the adrenal cortex. This results in low concentration of aldosterone & cortisol and elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP). Screening for CAH measures the level of 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP).


  1. 1. “Classic severe” salt wasting (SW) form
  2. 2. “Classic, less severe” simple-virilizing (SV) form
  3. 3. “Mild” non classic form

Clinical Manifestations

Neonates affected with SW form are at risk of adrenal crisis. Crisis can manifest as poor feeding, vomiting, loose stools or diarrhoea, weak cry, failure to thrive, dehydration and lethargy. These symptoms may not be evident until serum sodium concentrations are below 125mEq/L. Some affected infants may suffer from brain injury or learning disabilities. Female newborns affected with SW forms have ambiguous genitalia. Affected male infants  do not exhibit  any physical  signs  at birth. Therefore,  without  newborn screening & in the absence of a positive family history, all affected males and few females remain undiagnosed until adrenal crisis.

Patients affected with SV form manifest adrenal –insufficiency symptoms when subjected to stress and are diagnosed much later when symptoms of virilization, precocious pseudopuberty or growth acceleration occurs. Late discovery of correct gender can cause distress to the family and patient. Mild 21-OH deficiency produces no symptoms at birth and manifest as premature sexual hair, acne and mild growth accleration in childhood and hirsutism, excessive acne, menstrual disorder   and infertility later in life. Mild disorders may be missed by newborn screening.

Benefits of newborn screening are:

  • Prevent  life  threatening  adrenal  crisis.  Adrenal  crisis  can  cause  shock,  brain damage, and death.
  • Prevent male sex assignment in virilized female newborns
  • Prevent progressive effects of excess adrenal androgens,  which can cause short stature and psychosexual disturbances.

Worldwide newborn screening data has shown that screening prompted early diagnosis of CAH even before clinical suspicion in 67% of newborn infants with CAH.

Congenital Hypothyroidism:

Congenital hypothyroidism is caused due to deficiency of thyroid hormone since birth. CH is one of the most common and treatable causes of mental retardation. Some infants are normal at birth due to protection by maternal thyroid hormone.

Clinical Manifestations

Males and females are affected equally. The severity of symptoms and physical findings correlates with the degree of hypothyroidism. Clinical symptoms in the first week of life are usually not apparent. The affected infants suffer from feeding problems, constipation, lethargy, hoarse cry, prolonged jaundice, cool, dry mottled skin, coarse facies with large open fontanelles, umbilical hernia & delayed development. Mental deficiency can be prevented by newborn screening and prompt treatment with thyroid hormones.

Screening is performed by measuring TSH level. Some infants may have a slight increase in TSH. These patients need to be observed and thyroid function test should be repeated after a few months.

Cystic Fibrosis:

Cystic fibrosis is a multisystem disease affecting lungs, pancreas, intestine, liver & sweat glands. Cystic fibrosis was thought to be rare in India. However published reports indicate that cystic fibrosis is probably more common than previously thought but is underdiagnosed  or missed in majority of the cases ( Ahuja AS & Kabra SK. Cystic fibrosis:Indian Experience.Indian Pediatrics.2002:39:813-818). According to Christine Noke, Director Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide Programme,40,000 Indians in United States and 28,000 Indians in United Kingdom suffers from Cystic fibrosis and there is possibility of 100,000 patients in India (www.cfww.org). The  total load due to  Cystic fibrosis could be more than many European countries (Kapoor V, ShastriSS,KabraM etal. Carrier frequency of F508del mutation of Cystic fibrosis is noted in Indian population ( Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2006;5:43-46). Cystic fibrosis patients are mostly treated as tuberculosis and the acute exacerbations labeled as ‘bronchopneumonia” (Dr Meenu Singh, PGI Chandigarh.www.cfww.org).

Clinical Manifestations

Cystic fibrosis usually presents in infancy. In about 10-20% cases, the first symptom of disease appear soon after birth.Symptoms and severity of disease differ from person to person but the  basic problem remains the same i.e. the glands which produce or secrete sweat and mucus do not function properly. This results in unusually thick mucus, which clogs lungs. Mucus also affects the pancreas  by blocking digestive enzymes, which are needed for breakdown & assimilation of food. Some patients have both respiratory and digestive problems while some have respiratory problems only.Cystic fibrosis does not affect intelligence.

Most common symptoms are:

  • Meconium ileus
  • Malnutrition
  • Poor growth
  • Frequent respiratory infections
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Lung damage
  • Nasal polyps
  • Pneumothorax (rupture  of  lung  tissue and trapping  of air between  the lungs and chest wall)
  • Hemoptysis ( coughing of blood)
  • Rectal prolapse
  • Abdominal pain and discomfort
  • Liver  disease,   inflammation   of   the pancreas
  • Infertility

Screening:  Detection  of Cystic  fibrosis  in newborns    depends  on the  presence  of immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT). IRT levels tend to remain raised for several months in babies with CF, whereas in false positive cases, values usually return to normal within first few weeks of life ( Wilcken B, Brown ARB, Urwin R, Brown DA. Cystic fibrosis screening by dried blood trypsin assay results in 75,000 infants. J Pediatr 1983;102:383-387). In babies with meconium ileus, the IRT levels may not be elevated. High frequency of heterozygotes have been reported among neonates with elevated IRT and normal sweat chloride level (CastellanicC, PicciL, ScarpaM, DecheechiMC etal. Cystic fibrosis carriers have higher neonatal  immunoreactive  trypsinogen  values  than  non-carriers.    Am  J  Med  Genet A2005;135(2):142-144).

Benefit  of Screening:  CF babies  are normal  with no evidence  of lung disease  or pancreatic insufficiency. Symptoms develop over first 3-6 months of life. By the time children are diagnosed clinically with CF, they are already seriously ill with lung disease and significant malabsorption problems. Before screening test was introduced, the average age of children without known sibling with CF was about 18 months (Wilcken B,Towns SJ,Mellis CM. Diagnostic delay in cystic fibrosis:lesson from newborn screening.

Arch Dis Child 1983;58:863-866). Better treatment methods developed over the past 20 years have increased the life span of CF patients. Early diagnosis helps in improved height and weight due to early initiation of therapy which includes pancreatic enzyme, fat soluble vitamin and salt supplementation ( Farrell PM, Kosorok MR, Rock MJ etal. Early diagnosis of cystic fibrosis through neonatal screening prevents severe malnutrition and improves long term growth. Wisconsin Cystic Fibrosis neonatal screening study group. Pediatrics 2001;107:1-13)


Galactosemia  is a disorder in which galactose cannot be broken down in the body. Galactose  is found in breast milk, many formulas and milk products.  Under normal conditions, galactose is released by the digestion of lactose and is converted to glucose as well as fructose in the body. In galactosemia, there is genetic defect in conversion of galactose to glucose. Increased concentration of galactose in blood can harm the baby’s eyes, liver and brain causing cataract & mental retardation. Affected infants may die in the neonatal period due to Escherichia coli sepsis or later due to cirrhosis of liver.

Newborn screening tests: Test for galactose depends on the infant’s diet; therefore it is important that the infant is receiving galactose-containing formula or breast milk before testing.

Benefit of Screening: Exclusion of galactose from the diet can prevent cataract, mental retardation and other life threatening complications.

dr. reenaFrom the Editor’s desk

“We need to protect the lives of the single greatest asset we have as a nation and as a people—our children.”

Did you know that right now, we allow our own children to be killed or injured each year? Not intentionally or with malice, but it is done nonetheless.

Every year approximately, at least 1 in 2,000 babies is born with a treatable metabolic disorder that is likely to kill or harm the child before diagnosis. That’s an average of 1 or 2 babies affected with a metabolic disorder born each day in Delhi alone.

Measured against the backdrop of live births each year, the figure may appear “statistically” very low. But try telling that to new parents whose child may have had one or more of these disorders and who could have been saved if the disorder had been detected at birth.

The current health policies in India have typically targeted mortality and infectious morbidities but not disabilities. The diagnosis is also delayed due to lack of awareness among the professionals and of easily accessible technical expertise.

In 1991-1992, scientists at Duke University completely changed the newborn screening landscape. They adapted an existing technology called mass spectrometry to newborn screening -TMS – Tandem mass spectrometry.

Using the newborn blood spots, a machine—in one test—can identify dozens of metabolic disorders. TMS is much faster and much more sensitive and specific (with far fewer false positive and false negative results).

If blood from a baby with a metabolic disorder is screened by TMS approximately 48 hours after birth, chances are very high that, with treatment, the child will not die or be injured. On the other hand, if a baby with a metabolic disorder is not screened, chances are very high that the child will die orwill be permanently and severely injured. It’s that simple.

TMS took the concept of piggybacking to a remarkable new level. It is important to understand that we are not talking about an additional invasive procedure or an additional test; rather, we are talking here about the same blood spot on the same piece of filter paper!

The opportunity to save thousands of babies’ lives had arrived. But what happened? Though there are no cures for any of the inborn errors of metabolism that are identified by tandem mass spectrometry, all are treatable! – usually through diet and monitoring.

Admittedly treatment is not always successful. But usually the results are remarkably good—so long as treatment begins before injury occurs.

No metabolic disorder is perfectly treatable, including PKU, which is screened for universally. Cancer is not perfectly treatable. Neither is diabetes. That doesn’t mean screening and treatment should be withheld.

We hope the article in this issue by Dr Manjeet Kaur will give readers a global perspective surrounding neonatal screening and also reinforce the importance of secondary prevention (identifying a disease in its earliest stages before symptoms appear) in improving the health of children.

We need not wonder how many lives will be altered if newborn screening is implemented at a larger scale. We need to remember that children and their families who are affected by screening decisions are not just statistics.

It is indeed encouraging to have received a tremendous response to the previous issue of INSIGHT and we continue to look forward to your valuable feedback and suggestions to guide us in addressing the various issues of diagnostic service.

Dr Reena Nakra

Chief Editor,

Head Integration Group, M&A labs

E-mail: reena.nakra@lalpathlabs.com 

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