
Why does Rheumatoid Arthritis Worsen During Monsoon?

Rheumatoid Arthritis in Monsoon

Many patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) notice that their symptoms worsen during certain weather conditions, particularly monsoon. This seasonal exacerbation can significantly impact the daily lives of those with RA, making it essential to understand how weather changes influence the condition.


This article explains the factors that exacerbate Rheumatoid Arthritis during the monsoon and offers tips on managing symptoms more effectively during this time.

5 Factors That Worsens Rheumatoid Arthritis During Monsoon

1. Humidity and Barometric Pressure Changes


Monsoon season is characterised by fluctuating barometric pressure and high humidity levels. High humidity can cause the tissues around the joints to swell, increasing pain and stiffness. Additionally, changes in barometric pressure can lead to shifts in joint fluid dynamics, exacerbating discomfort and inflammation.


2. Cold and Damp Weather


Monsoons often bring cooler temperatures along with dampness. Cold weather adversely affects people with RA, as it can lead to muscle stiffness and joint pain during monsoon season. When exposed to freezing temperatures, blood circulation to the extremities is reduced to preserve core body heat. This reduction in circulation can lead to stiff, painful joints.


Dampness, another feature of the monsoon season, can further aggravate these symptoms. Damp weather can make it difficult for joints to stay warm and flexible, leading to increased pain and reduced mobility.


3. Inflammatory Triggers


For those having Rheumatoid Arthritis during monsoon, the combination of high humidity and changes in atmospheric pressure can act as inflammatory triggers in the body. For individuals with RA, who already have an overactive immune response causing joint inflammation, these environmental factors can exacerbate their condition.


The body’s natural response to these triggers increases inflammation, which can worsen symptoms. This heightened inflammatory response can make the joints feel more painful and swollen, leading to increased discomfort and decreased ability to perform daily activities.


4. Reduced Physical Activity


During the monsoon season, the wet and often inclement weather conditions can lead to reduced physical activity. People may struggle to maintain their usual exercise routines due to the rain and slippery outdoor conditions. This reduction in physical activity can increase stiffness and pain, making it more challenging to manage Rheumatic Arthritis symptoms effectively.


5. Psychological Factors


Weather changes, particularly during the monsoon season, can also have psychological effects. The gloomy, overcast skies and extended periods of rain can lead to feelings of sadness or depression in some individuals. Stress and depression are known to exacerbate chronic pain conditions, including Rheumatoid Arthritis.


When a person is feeling low or stressed, their perception of pain can increase, making their symptoms feel worse. This psychological component is an essential aspect of RA management, as maintaining a positive mental outlook reduces the overall perception of pain and improves coping strategies.


What are the Management Strategies for Rheumatoid Arthritis During Monsoon?

To manage Rheumatoid Arthritis care during monsoon, individuals can adopt several strategies:


1. Stay Warm and Dry: Wearing appropriate clothing and heating pads can help keep the joints warm and reduce stiffness. Keeping living spaces dry and using dehumidifiers can also help manage the impact of high humidity.


2. Maintain Physical Activity: It is crucial to find ways to stay active indoors. Exercises such as stretching, yoga, and indoor walking can help keep the joints flexible and reduce stiffness. Physiotherapy exercises designed explicitly for Rheumatoid Arthritis patients can also be beneficial.


3. Medication Adherence: It is essential to follow the prescribed medication regimen strictly. If symptoms worsen significantly, consulting with a healthcare provider to adjust the medication or treatment plan may be necessary.


4. Relaxation Techniques: Practices like deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation like JPMR (Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle Relaxation technique) can help reduce stress and improve mental well-being. Reducing stress can help decrease the perception of pain.


5. Support Systems: Engaging with support groups or therapy can extend emotional support and practical advice for managing Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms. Connecting with others who have similar experiences and conditions can be reassuring and provide new coping strategies.


6. Healthy Diet: Omega-3 fatty acids and anti-inflammatory foods (fruits, vegetables) can help manage inflammation. Staying hydrated and avoiding excessive intake of foods that can increase inflammation, such as processed foods and sugars, is also essential.


While the monsoon season can present additional challenges for individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis, understanding the reasons behind the worsening of symptoms can help develop effective management strategies. Book a Rheumatoid Arthritis Panel Test with Dr Lal PathLabs for accurate and timely diagnosis, helping to tailor treatment plans effectively.


1. Why do arthritic joints hurt more when it rains?

Arthritic joint pain during monsoon hurts more when it rains due to changes in barometric pressure and humidity. This can cause joint tissues to swell, increasing pain and stiffness.Arthritis Management

2. What type of weather is best for rheumatoid arthritis?

Warm, dry weather is generally best for rheumatoid arthritis, as it helps reduce joint stiffness and pain.


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