
Signs and Symptoms of Sinus Infection

signs and symptoms of sinus infection

Medically termed as sinusitis or rhinosinusitis, sinus in an infection that takes place when the cavities around the nasal passage swell, get infected or inflamed. Sinus is usually a virus-caused infection that often persists even when most upper respiratory symptoms disappear. In some rare cases, bacteria and fungus can also cause this infection to develop in the body. Nearly 30 million people across the globe suffer from this problem every year and develop many related conditions or diseases as well. Treating this condition as soon as possible is utmost essential.

What causes sinus infection?

Sinus can be quite painful and case headache that is often restricted to one side of the forehead. Conditions that increase the chances or risk of sinusitis include common cold, hayfever, some types of allergies, nasal polyps, and cystic fibrosis.

Acute Vs chronic infection

Typically there are two types of sinusitis conditions – acute and chronic. Acute infection is often a cause of a virus invasion in the body. However, it lasts only for a short period. Chronic infection, on the other hand, is a cause of unhealthy behavior and persists for a period usually longer than 12 weeks. Seeking the assistance of a physician is the best option to get yourself treated for conditions like allergies, nasal discharge, facial pain and tooth pain.

Types of sinuses

Four pairs of sinuses exist. These are known as the paranasal sinuses. Thousands of people suffer from this problem but only a few know and understand its causes and treatment options available with medical science.

  • Frontal sinuses
  • Maxillary sinuses
  • Ethmoid sinuses
  • Sphenoid sinuses

Symptoms of Sinuses

The primary and most prominent symptoms of sinus are as follows: –


An individual has a number of different sinuses below, above his/her eyes and behind the nose. When a person acquires the sinus infection, he/she witnesses pain in any of these defined sinuses. Swelling and inflammation add to the sinus ache and put pressure between the eyes, upper jaw, on the nose, cheeks, and teeth. The pain leads to headache that may last somewhere between 2 days to 12 weeks. Best ways to relieve oneself from the pain is by: –

  • Cleaning the nasal passages at regular intervals
  • Using humidifiers when off to sleep to relieve the pressure
  • Taking hot water steam to moisten the sinuses
  • Making use an over-the-counter nasal spray to ease the pain and congestion
  • Having some soup with hot spices

Sore throat and husky voice

Harshness causes one’s voice to become husky and sour in nature. If throat inflammation lasts for more than a week, it can result in a painful throat that makes it difficult to swallow as well as speak normally. While the symptoms are temporary in nature, it often lasts for as long as 2 weeks. If it persists beyond this time frame, it definitely means the presence of some other related condition in the respiratory system of the body. Some home remedies for this infection include the following: –

  • Using a vaporizer
  • Drinking plenty of liquids, usually the ones that aid in clearing the throat
  • Avoiding smoking or drinking until harshness goes away
  • Conversing less.
  • Taking over-the-counter cough medicines to treat the condition
  • Soothing the throat by having a cup of hot tea with honey
  • Gargling at least two times a day to get rid of mucus deposit


Another primary and prominent symptom of sinus is fever. This typically occurs due to body fatigue and the presence of viruses, bacteria or other toxins. If an individual is unable to control the body temperature, it’s best to seek the assistance of a physician. It’s quite possible that there may be another underlying condition aiding the sinus to persist. Some recommended home remedies include the following: –

  • Having plenty of fluids and foods that boost the immune system of the body
  • Keeping cozy and indoors to avoid exposure to harmful microbes which may worsen to condition further.
  • Drinking a cup of hot ginger tea or a yarrow tea
  • Orange juice is rich in vitamin C and helps in boosting the immune system
  • Resorting to-over-the-counter reliefs, as recommended by a physician.

Sinus headaches

Sinus headache is caused by inflamed sinuses. It is caused by an obstruction of normal sinus drainage. The swelling and pressure in sinuses lead to headache. Here, we have compiled some of the sinus headache symptoms:

  • Headache that worsens when an individual moves his/her head
  • Witnessing sinuses that feel swollen and tender to the touch
  • Pain that worsens in the morning but gets normal by end of the day

Treatment for sinus headaches

  • You can use nasal steroid sprays to reduce swelling in the nose
  • Drinking plenty of liquids
  • Over the counter painkillers
  • Put wet towel on your face to lessen the irritation of sinus
  • Surgical procedures to restore normal sinus drainage

Nasal congestion

Another term for a stuffy nose, nasal congestion has many causes that typically include allergies, flu, common cold, etc. It makes an infected person feel miserable and difficult to engage in any activity. Nasal passages clog due to the presence accumulation of mucus making it difficult to breathe. A number of home treatments can help in clearing up the congestion and keeping the nasal passages open for easy breathe. If they do not work, it’s best to consult a physician and know about the means to ease to condition.

Loss of smell

Common cold along with nasal congestion causes one to lose his/her sense of smelling for a short period of time. General physicians state that by clearing the nasal passage either by blowing off the mucus accumulation or by taking steam is one of the best ways to keep the smelling senses working. If, even after these activities, one is unable to smell things around and even lose their sense of taste, it may be a sign of a problem. Consult a physician and get tested right away!

Bad Breath

Sinus patients often complain of bad breath. It happens because of cold that creates bad breath by drying the mouth. The best way to cure bad breath is by making use of mouth wash and mouth fresheners as well as covering it while talking to someone to avoid passing the infection into that person. Other preventive tips include: –

  • Using a saline nasal wash to reduce the problem
  • Trying natural decongestants like ginger tea, apple cider vinegar and peppermint tea
  • Avoiding garlic and onions that can cause bad breath
  • Rinsing mouth and nasal cavity at regular intervals

Nasal discharge

Common flu, infections, and allergies are main causes of nasal discharge. Though it goes away on its own, in some cases it needs medical attention. It is mucus that flows down your throat and makes it difficult to swallow. Consulting a physician in such a case can prove beneficial.

Other remedies to treat the symptoms of sinus are as follows:

  • Taking steam. Add a couple of drops of peppermint oil in the steam water to make it more effective
  • Avoid consuming sugar, fruit juices, and grains
  • Stay hydrated to keep your sinuses moist
  • Use a net pot with a saline solution
  • Avoid taking antibiotics right away, unless prescribed by a physician
  • Get plenty of sleep

Each of these above listed home remedies aids in boosting the immune system and fighting the sinus infection. If the sinus pain persists for more than 10 days, it is evident that you must seek the assistance of a physician and get treated right away, to avoid any life-threatening complications.


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