
Ways to Keep Your Blood Pressure Under Control


High blood pressure is caused when the force of blood flow in the arteries is consistently higher than normal. This happens when blood encounters too much resistance. Over time, this can cause several complications in the body, including kidney and heart disease.

This article discusses some lifestyle tips that can help someone with hypertension control their blood pressure.

What is High Blood Pressure?

Hypertension is characterized by high blood flow resistance in the arteries. This can occur due to the arteries becoming narrow.

A blood pressure reading has two parts: systolic and diastolic. Systolic pressure measures blood flow resistance (or pressure) when the heart pumps, while diastolic pressure measures blood flow resistance when the heart rests between beats.

A systolic pressure reading above 120 and a diastolic reading above 80 denotes high blood pressure.

Who is at Risk of High Blood Pressure?

Some factors that can elevate the risk of developing hypertension are:

  1. Genetics: A family history of high blood pressure can put one at a higher risk of developing it.
  2. Age: Adults over 65 face a higher chance of developing hypertension.
  3. Obesity: Having a higher weight or being obese can lead to hypertension.
  4. Excess Alcohol Consumption: Regular excess consumption (more than one drink per day for women and two drinks for men) of alcohol can accelerate the development of hypertension.
  5. Living a Sedentary Life: Low fitness levels increase the risk of developing high blood pressure.
  6. Diabetes/Metabolic Syndrome: People having diabetes or metabolic syndrome are at a greater risk for hypertension.

Ways to Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally

Certain lifestyle changes can go a long way towards managing blood pressure. Some natural ways to lower blood pressure are:

  1. Following a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is important for preventing or controlling high blood pressure. The following foods constitute a healthy diet for managing blood pressure:

  • Whole grains
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Lean proteins such as chicken and fish
  1. Being Physically Active

Physical activity, especially cardiovascular exercise, can naturally lower blood pressure and strengthen the cardiovascular system. It also helps lose excess weight which can further lower the risk of developing high blood pressure.

Doctors typically recommend a minimum of 150 minutes (about 2 and a half hours) of physical exercise every week.

  1. Maintaining a Healthy Weight

For overweight or obese people, maintaining a healthy weight can lower blood pressure naturally. A healthy body weight is also associated with a lower risk of developing heart and metabolic problems.

Weight management can be done through diet and exercise, both of which further help with blood pressure control.

  1. Practicing Stress Management

Stress makes the body release certain hormones that raise blood pressure in the short term. Consistent stress has also been linked with several physical and mental issues.

Unhealthy reactions to stress can lead to binge eating, tobacco dependence, and caffeine addiction, all of which cause high blood pressure.

Managing stress effectively may help in controlling blood pressure. Some techniques that can help manage stress better are:

  1. Deep breathing exercises
  2. Physical exercise
  3. A good sleep schedule
  4. Meditation
  5. Yoga
  6. Massage
  7. Muscle relaxation
  1. Limiting Alcohol

Regular excess alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure. Limiting daily alcohol intake can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension.

  1. Quitting Smoking

Cigarette smoke introduces toxins in the blood that can damage tissues and harden blood vessels. People suffering from high blood pressure are advised by doctors to quit smoking.

Moreover, quitting smoking lowers the chance of developing high blood pressure in someone who is at high risk.

  1. Monitoring Blood Pressure Regularly

For people suffering from or at a greater risk of high blood pressure, regular blood pressure monitoring is vital as it can help doctors catch hypertension early. It can also help doctors evaluate the success of a course of treatment in patients with hypertension.

High blood pressure often does not present with any symptoms and has been termed as a ‘silent killer’.  Early diagnosis and treatment of hypertension can help prevent complications in the body. If an individual is at a high risk of hypertension, they should consult a doctor and get tested at Dr Lal PathLabs immediately.


1. Can high blood pressure go away without treatment?

It is not common for high blood pressure to go away without treatment. When left untreated, the blood pressure can rise, and the risk of complications also increases.


2. What complications are associated with high blood pressure?

Some serious complications of high blood pressure include heart damage, heart failure and kidney failure.


3. How to lower blood pressure?

Adopting the following lifestyle changes can help to reduce blood pressure:

  1. Following a healthy diet
  2. Being more physically active
  3. Maintaining a healthy weight
  4. Limiting alcohol and quitting smoking
  5. Practicing stress management

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