
What is the Best Time for HbA1C Test?


Approximately 1 in 2 Indians living with diabetes are unaware of their condition, as reported in a study published in BMC Medicine. Undiagnosed diabetes can lead to severe health complications.

Among the various tests available, the HbA1C, also known as haemoglobin A1c or glycated haemoglobin test, is a crucial tool for detecting blood glucose levels. Within this extensive guide, we will delve deep into the intricacies of the HbA1C test, optimal timing for testing, normal A1c values, and the HbA1C importance.

What is HbA1C test?

HbA1C full form is Hemoglobin A1c. The HbA1C test, also called the haemoglobin A1c, A1c, or glycated haemoglobin test, measures how much blood sugar (glucose) is attached to haemoglobin.

Haemoglobin, found in red blood cells, is a protein responsible for transporting oxygen throughout a person’s body. When blood sugar is elevated, glucose abnormally combines with haemoglobin A, forming glycated haemoglobin.

The HbA1C test is done to diagnose prediabetes, type 1, and type 2 diabetes. Since red blood cells typically have a lifespan of up to 120 days, or about 3–4 months, an HbA1C blood test can provide a reasonably accurate estimate of blood sugar levels over the past 2–3 months.

Why is HbA1C test important?

The HbA1C test’s importance lies in the fact that it provides a comprehensive picture of average blood glucose levels over an extended period. This is not affected by short-term fluctuations due to stress, meals, or illness, thus offering a more reliable measure of glycemic control compared to individual blood glucose readings.  

Another reason for the importance of HbA1C in diabetes is that it helps doctors guide treatment decisions and adjustments for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes patients. It enables them to determine if current medications, lifestyle approaches, and management plans are working effectively or require modification. However, that is not the only factor underlying the importance of the glycosylated haemoglobin test.

The relevance of HbA1C testing is also pivotal for diagnosing diabetes and identifying individuals with prediabetes, allowing for early detection and intervention to prevent progression to diabetes.

HbA1C Test Procedure 

The HbA1C test is a simple and quick blood test that does not require fasting before the test. In this test, a blood sample is drawn from a vein in the arm. The HbA1C test time required is typically around five minutes.

When should one take a Hb1Ac test?

The recommended testing protocol for HbA1C is as follows:

  1. For individuals with prediabetes, annual testing is advised.
  2. Checking HbA1C levels every three months is a must when working to achieve blood sugar goals.
  3. Once treatment targets are met and glycemic control is stable, patients with diabetes can transition to testing HbA1C every six months.

The optimal frequency of HbA1C testing depends on the individual’s diabetic status, treatment regimen, and level of control. However, before undergoing any test, individuals must consult their doctor. 

How to interpret Hb1Ac test results?

HbA1C test normal ranges for non-diabetic individuals:

  1. For individuals without diabetes, an HbA1C test range between 4% and 5.6% is considered normal.
  1. An HbA1C level range between 5.7% and 6.4% indicates a higher risk of developing diabetes.
  1. If the normal haemoglobin A1c is 6.5% or above, it signifies the presence of diabetes.

To provide a clearer understanding, the table below illustrates the HbA1C normal range for non-diabetic individuals.

Normal   Less than 5.7% 
Prediabetes   Between 5.7% to 6.4% 
Diabetes   >= 6.5% 

HbA1C blood tests normal ranges for diabetic patients:

  1. A diabetic individual with an HbA1C level below 53 mmol/mol is considered to have good glycemic control.
  1. Those with HbA1C ranging from 53 to 63 mmol/mol are considered decent but may require improvements.
  1. If an individual’s HbA1C falls between 64 and 86 mmol/mol, significant changes in lifestyle and medication are necessary, as they are close to the danger zone.
  1. Any HbA1C level above 86 mmol/mol indicates an extremely high glycated haemoglobin level, requiring immediate action.

To gain more detailed insight, the table below outlines the haemoglobin A1c normal range for diabetic individuals.

Decent  Below 53 mmol/mol 
High   Between 53 to 63 mmol/mol  
Very high   Between 64 and 86 mmol/mol 

Thus, the HbA1C test normal levels for a diabetic patient is considered to be anything below 7%.

The HbA1C test offers invaluable insight into long-term blood glucose regulation. The best time for HbA1C testing is tailored to individual patient needs, with the common goal of achieving and maintaining target blood glucose levels, thus reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications. 

When someone experiences symptoms associated with diabetes, it becomes imperative to undergo a diabetes test – HbA1C – to promptly address any potential issues and prevent the onset of complications.  


1. What is the HbA1c normal range? 

HbA1c’s normal range is below 5.7%.

2. Is the HbA1c test done in fasting? 

No. HbA1c is a simple blood test and doesn’t require fasting. 

3. What is the HbA1c test full for? 

The HbA1C test’s full form is Haemoglobin A1c. It’s also called the haemoglobin A1c or glycated haemoglobin test.


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