
Why You May Need A Thyroid Blood Test?

Thyroid Blood Test

What is Thyroid disease?

A thyroid disorder or Thyroid disease is any dysfunction of the Thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a tiny butterfly-shaped gland located below the Adam’s Apple at the base of the neck. The function of the Thyroid gland is to take iodine from food and convert it to Thyroid Hormones. It then releases these hormones which are essential for the metabolism (how fast your body burns calories), growth and maturation of the human body. These hormones control various important functions of the body including but not limited to heart rate, breathing, body temperature and menstrual cycle. The Thyroid gland is controlled by Hypothalamus which is an important part of the human brain.

There are 4 major types of thyroid diseases – Hyperthyroidism (or excess production of Thyroid hormones), Hypothyroidism (or insufficient production of Thyroid Hormones), Goitre and Thyroid Cancer.

How common is Thyroid disease in India?

A recent survey conducted with more than 30 Lakh households concluded that every third person suffers from some form of thyroid disorders. Most commonly seen type was the subclinical Hypothyroidism. This disorder means mild or no symptoms that are commonly associated with Thyroid.

What are the common symptoms of Thyroid disorders?

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability or moodiness
  • Nervousness, hyperactivity
  • Sweating or sensitivity to high temperatures
  • Hand trembling (shaking)
  • Hair loss
  • Missed or light menstrual periods
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Depression
  • Sensitivity to cold temperature
  • Frequent, heavy periods
  • Joint and muscle pain

If someone is going through any symptom mentioned above, he/she should get their check-up done. The thyroid also causes gastrointestinal issues. And thyroid is one of the most easily damaged by nutrient deficiencies. Blood tests are the great way to find your harmonal balance and health. And you may need it to ensure your harmones level is satisfactory. If you have the symptom of hypothyroidism, consult your doctor and must discuss about your cholesterol levels. It is important to check thyroid blood test with your doctor even if you are young or old. There are five major tests to gain a complete knowledge of your thyroid function.

  • TSH
  • T3 and T4
  • Anti TPO
  • Anti-Thyroglobin
  • Micronutrient analysis

One must have these tests once or twice a year to keep a check on his/her thyroid levels. Women are more prone to thyroid due to pregnancy, childbirth or menopause. Talk to your doctor if you’re pregnant as test results may vary. This is performed in the lab and a nurse will tie a band around your arm to collect the blood and send to the laboratory for analysis. If soreness occurs around your arm, put an ice-pack to comfort your anxiety.

Have a look at some of the tips to stay fit and treat thyroid issues naturally

  •  Get off all junk and processed food. Add sea vegetables in your diet to support the thyroid.
  • Having thyroid problems, it is time to add greens in your diet like brussels sprouts, cauliflower, beans, and broccoli.
  • Coconut oil is easy to digest and possess antibacterial properties that overpower inflammation. Moreover, it enhances immunity and can boost brain function.
  • Add grass-fed butter in your diet and cut out on other items like milk, cheese, etc.
  • Water keeps you hydrated. So, drink at least 8 glasses of water every 2 hours. This would prevent fatigue and moodiness.
  • Carry out meditation and yoga to support and excite the entire endocrine system. This shall heal your thyroid naturally.
  • Have 30-40 grams of fibre daily to stay healthy and balance blood sugar levels. The intake would be berries, lentils, seeds, vegetables and more.

For a healthy lifestyle, follow up with your doctor and eat healthily. Your doctor will advise a proper medication and various treatments for a healthy living.


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