Special Instruction : No special preparation required
Parameters covered : 2
Report Frequency : Daily
Home Collection
Lab Visit
Blood group ABO & Rh test identifies your blood group & type of Rh factor. There are four major blood groups- A, B, AB, and O. It is important to know your blood group as you may need a transfusion of blood or blood components; you may want to donate your blood ; before or during a woman’s pregnancy to determine the risk of Rh mismatch with the fetus.
1. ABO Group
2. Rh Factor
Here you can find answers for all the questions related to the test
Blood Group and Rh Factor test is also known as Blood Grouping or Blood Typing.
Blood Grouping test determines a person's blood group (A, B, AB, or O) and Rh type.
No special preparation required
Health Checkup
6 hrs
48 hrs
Erythrocyte Magnetized Technology / Tube Agglutination
4 mL (2 mL min.) Whole blood in 1 Lavender Top (EDTA) tube. Ship refrigerated. DO NOT FREEZE.
Blood group ABO & Rh test identifies your blood group & type of Rh factor. There are four major blood groups- A, B, AB, and O. It is important to know your blood group as you may need a transfusion of blood or blood components; you may want to donate your blood ; before or during a woman’s pregnancy to determine the risk of Rh mismatch with the fetus.
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