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Special Instruction : No special preparation required

Parameters covered : 3

Report Frequency : Daily

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Lab Visit

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Thyroid profile test includes thyroid hormones T3, T4 & TSH which helps to evaluate the functioning of thyroid gland in the body. This profile indicates whether thyroid gland is under-functioning or over-functioning or the function is normal. It also helps to monitor patients who are on treatment for thyroid disease. Persons at high risk of thyroid disease are newborns, those with a strong family history of thyroid disease, the elderly population, women 4 to 8 weeks after delivery, patients with autoimmune diseases and those on iodine deficient diet.


1.  T3, Total

2.  T4, Total


Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers for all the questions related to the test

What is a Thyroid Profile Total test?

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the front of the neck and produces triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) hormones. These hormones affect all aspects of metabolism and also influence the control of vital functions, such as body temperature and heart rate.  

TSH is produced by the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates the thyroid to release triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) hormones into the blood. 

The Thyroid Profile Total test is a group of tests done together to diagnose thyroid disorders and disrupted thyroid function. 

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Pre-test Information

No special preparation required

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Thyroid gland Function

Stability Room

2 hrs

Stability Refrigerated

1 week

Stability Frozen

4 weeks




3 mL (1.5 mL min.) Serum from 1 SST. Ship refrigerated or frozen.


Total thyroid hormone levels include the free as well as the bound form and hence may not reflect the active unbound form of the hormone which is directly related to thyroid dysfunction. Factors affecting the thyroid binding globulin will alter various parameters and may not be a true indicator of primary thyroid disease.

What Is A Thyroid Profile Total Test?

The thyroid gland, resembling a butterfly and situated at the neck's base, is an essential endocrine gland. It synthesizes two critical hormones - thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones are crucial in regulating diverse bodily functions, including heart rate and body temperature, thereby ensuring optimal metabolism and growth.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, signalling the thyroid to release T3 and T4 hormones into the bloodstream.

To assess the thyroid gland's function, doctors carry out a series of tests known as thyroid profile tests or thyroid function blood tests. These test give comprehensive insights into hormone levels, helping in the detection of any underlying thyroid gland abnormalities.

What Is the Purpose of Thyroid Profile Total Test?

A Thyroid Profile Total test (T3, T4 & TSH) is carried out for several purposes:

  1. As part of regular health check-ups to ensure overall well-being.
  2. To assess symptoms resulting from thyroid hormone imbalances, such as fluctuations in weight, fatigue, hair loss, variations in heart rate, dry skin and sensitivity to cold.
  3. For diagnosing and tracking the management of suspected thyroid conditions, including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Grave’s disease, thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s disease.
  4. For early detection of an underactive thyroid gland in new-borns.
  5. To assess and monitor treatment progress for conditions like thyroid nodules and disorders related to the pituitary or hypothalamus glands.

What Does the Thyroid Profile Total Test Measure?

The Thyroid Profile Total test evaluates the concentrations of the following hormones in the blood:

  1. Total Triiodothyronine (T3)
  2. Total Thyroxine (T4)
  3. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) exist in the blood in two states:

  1. Bound: These hormones are bound to proteins in the bloodstream, preventing their uptake by body tissues.
  2. Free: These hormones are available for immediate use by body tissues.

The total levels of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) include both bound and free forms found in the blood.

When Does One Need A Thyroid Profile Test?

Individuals exhibiting symptoms associated with thyroid gland dysfunction stand to benefit from undergoing a thyroid function test. Here are specific groups that may find a TFT test advantageous:

1. Women Aged 35 And Above: Women in this age bracket should integrate the TFT test into their routine health check-ups due to an increased susceptibility to thyroid-related conditions.

2. Pregnant Women or Those Planning Pregnancy: Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, the risk of thyroid disorders increases, making monitoring essential.

3. History of Autoimmune Diseases: Individuals with autoimmune diseases are predisposed to thyroid issues and should undergo a T3, T4 and TSH test.

4. Undergoing Thyroid Treatment: Consistent monitoring is essential for those currently undergoing treatment for hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism to prevent complications.

If experiencing symptoms or at high risk for thyroid disorders, consult a doctor and consider a thyroid profile total test. Note, symptoms may indicate other health issues. A comprehensive TFT thyroid test ensures accurate diagnosis for timely treatment.

What Preparations Are Required For Thyroid Profile Total Test?

Individuals usually don't need to make any special preparations for thyroid function tests. However, if other blood tests are scheduled simultaneously and fasting is necessary for those, individuals might need to refrain from eating or drinking for several hours before the tests, as advised by their doctor. Doctors usually provide specific instructions if fasting is needed, so it's important for individuals to adhere to any guidance provided.

Interpreting Thyroid Profile Total Test Results

TSH Test:

Elevated TSH levels often indicate hypothyroidism, suggesting an underactive thyroid. Conversely, decreased TSH levels commonly signify hyperthyroidism, indicating an overactive thyroid. Deviations from the normal range in TSH test results usually necessitate additional diagnostic tests to accurately determine the underlying cause.

T4 Test:

Elevated T4 levels may indicate hyperthyroidism, while low levels could suggest hypothyroidism. T4 levels can fluctuate due to different factors. For instance, during pregnancy or when using oral contraceptives, T4 levels may rise, while severe illness or taking steroid medications can cause them to decrease. These fluctuations occur because these conditions affect the levels of proteins in the blood that bind to T4.

T3 Test:

If a doctor suspect’s hyperthyroidism despite normal T4 levels, they may recommend a T3 test to confirm the diagnosis. Assessing both T4 and T3 levels can be useful for an accurate diagnosis of hyperthyroidism.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is a Thyroid Profile Total Test?

Ans. Thyroid Profile Total test is a blood test that measures various hormones produced by the thyroid gland to assess thyroid function.

Q. What does a Thyroid Profile Total Test Measure?

Ans. It measures levels of thyroid hormones including thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).

Q. Why do Doctors Perform a Thyroid Profile Total (T3, T4 & TSH) Test?

Ans. A Thyroid Profile Total (T3, T4 & TSH) assesses thyroid gland function and identifies conditions such as hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid). This test helps doctors in accurately diagnosing conditions, selecting suitable treatments and monitoring treatment effectiveness over time.

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