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Fats / Lipids are necessary for your body to function normally but too much of the bad kind or not enough of the good kind increases your risk of heart disease, stroke or narrowed arteries in your arms or legs. This is a detailed testing of body fats to identify individuals who are at high risk of suffering from heart attacks & strokes. Your doctor will consider various factors like age, smoking status, hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol & HDL (Good) cholesterol level to identify whether you are at high risk or low risk.


  • 1. LDL Cholesterol
  • 2. Cholesterol Total
  • 3. HDL Cholesterol
  • 4. Non-HDL Cholesterol
  • 5. Triglycerides
  • 6. VLDL Cholesterol

Lipid Profile Test in Chennai

The lipid profile test measures the amounts of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood to help assess your risk of cardiovascular disease. By looking at these levels, it provides information about your cardiac health and potential risks for conditions like heart attacks and strokes. Your ability to comprehend and manage your cardiovascular health is dependent upon the outcome of this examination. Book lipid profile test in Chennai with Dr. LalPathLabs. 

Who All are Eligible for Lipid Profile Test in Chennai?

  • Blood triglyceride and cholesterol levels are measured by a lipid profile test.

  • Suggested for people 35 years of age and older.

  • For those with heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, or other heart-related disorders.

  • Suggested for those who smoke, drink excessively, maintain sedentary lifestyles, have a family history of high cholesterol, or are overweight.

  • Also advised for people currently receiving therapy for high cholesterol.

  • Suggested in the event of headache, jaw pain, pain in the upper abdomen, perspiration, fullness, or dyspnea.

Why Take a Lipid Profile Test in Chennai?

Your heart health is assessed by the lipid profile test, which measures your cholesterol levels. It indicates whether or not you may have a build-up of cholesterol in your blood arteries, which can result in cardiac problems such as strokes and heart attacks. This test also assists in determining the presence of coronary artery disease.

What are Benefits of Taking a Lipid Profile Test?

  • This test contributes to heart health.

  • Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is a good idea.

  • It illustrates the gravity of any potential cardiac issues.

  • You can alter your lifestyle to maintain your health after the exam.

  • This reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack, and other cardiac issues.

When to Get Tested for a Lipid Profile?

  • Heart disease or excessive cholesterol in the family history

  • Older than 40

  • Obese or overweight

Typical Illnesses for Which Lipid Profile Testing is Required:

  • Coronary heart disease: Chest pain and heart attacks may result from artery-clogging cholesterol.

  • Stroke: Blood artery blockage caused by high cholesterol levels can result in stroke.

  • Peripheral artery disease: Complications arise from fat deposits in the arteries that alter blood flow.

  • Type 2 diabetes: Lipid profile testing are crucial because of the close relationship between diabetes and cholesterol levels.

  • Hypertension: A buildup of fat in the arteries can cause hypertension.

Get a lipid profile test in Chennai at Dr. LalPathlabs if you're at danger. Modern labs are used, tests are reasonably priced, sample collection is free, and reports are completed in a day.

What Does a Lipid Profile Test Measure?

Lipid profiles are used to screen for several lipid types, including cholesterol, very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), high-density lipoproteins (HDL), low-density lipoproteins (LDL), and others.

  • Triglycerides and cholesterol are the two main lipid types carried by lipoproteins found in blood.

  • Triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol are among the lipids that are measured by this test. VLDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, and the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol are possible additional outcomes.

  • The waxy material called cholesterol is present in cells and helps in vitamin synthesis, hormone synthesis, and cell division. Elevated cholesterol can block arteries and lead to major health problems.

  • HDL cholesterol, sometimes referred to as "good" cholesterol, lowers the risk of heart disease by eliminating other types of cholesterol from the blood.

  • Bad cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) obstructs blood vessels, causing heart attacks and strokes.

  • The body stores these fats to be used as energy when needed. Arteries may become harder and thicker due to high triglyceride levels.

  • Triglycerides are carried by VLDL cholesterol, which is produced by the liver and resembles LDL. Elevations may cause blood arteries to narrow.

  • More accurately representing harmful cholesterol levels, non-HDL cholesterol is the difference between total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.

These are the main metrics in a typical lipid profile; other tests provide more information. Book lipid profile test in Chennai with Dr. LalPathLabs. 


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