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    Clinical details and drug history must accompany the sample.

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    Sample Mon through Sat by 9 am; Report 3 days

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Organic acids are compounds being produced in your body routinely. Deficiency of specific enzymes required to degrade organic acids can lead to excess accumulation of organic acids / metabolites in the body resulting in disease. The excess metabolites are excreted in urine. This produces disease in infants which can be life threatening or there can be unexplained developmental delays with epileptic fits. Other symptoms include drowsiness, poor feeding, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea & weight loss. Some of the inborn errors of organic acid metabolism are Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), Isovaleric / Propionic / Methylmalonic acidurias.


  • 1. 2-Deoxytetronic acid
  • 2. 2-Hexenedioic acid
  • 3. 2-Hydroxy-3-Methylvaleric acid
  • 4. 2-Hydroxyadipic acid
  • 5. 2-Hydroxybutyric acid
  • 6. 2-Hydroxyglutaric acid
  • 7. 2-Hydroxyhippuric acid 2TMS
  • 8. 2-Hydroxyhippuric acid 3TMS
  • 9. 2-Hydroxyisobutyric acid
  • 10. 2-Hydroxyisocaproic acid
  • 11. 2-Hydroxyisovaleric acid
  • 12. 2-Hydroxysebacic acid
  • 13. 2-Keto-adipic
  • 14. 2-Ketoglutaric acid-oxime-2TMS
  • 15. 2-Ketoglutaric acid-oxime-3TMS
  • 16. 2-Ketoisocaproic acid
  • 17. 2-Keto-isovaleric acid-oxime
  • 18. 2-Methyl-3-hydroxybutyric acid
  • 19. 2-Methyl-3-hydroxyvaleric acid
  • 20. 2-Methyl-3-hydroxyvaleric acid-2TMS
  • 21. 2-Pentenedioic acid 3-methyl bis(TMS) ester
  • 22. 2-propyl-3-hydroxy-pentanoic acid
  • 23. 2-Propyl-3-ketopentanoic acid
  • 24. 2-Propyl-5-OH-pentanoic
  • 25. 2-Propyl-glutaric acid
  • 26. 2-Propylhydroxyglutaric acid
  • 27. 3- Indoleacetic acid
  • 28. 3-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)-3-hydroxypropionic acid
  • 29. 3-6-Epoxydodecanedioic acid
  • 30. 3-6-Epoxytetradecanedioic acid
  • 31. 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid
  • 32. 3-Hydroxyadipic acid
  • 33. 3-Hydroxybutyric acid
  • 34. 3-hydroxydodecanedioic acid
  • 35. 3-Hydroxyglutaric acid
  • 36. 3-Hydroxyisobutyric acid
  • 37. 3-Hydroxyisovaleric acid
  • 38. 3-Hydroxyoctenedioic acid
  • 39. 3-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid
  • 40. 3-Hydroxypropionic acid
  • 41. 3-Hydroxysebacic acid
  • 42. 3-Hydroxysuberic acid
  • 43. 3-Hydroxyvaleric acid
  • 44. 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxybenzoic acid
  • 45. 3-Methyladipic acid
  • 46. 3-Methylcrotonoylglycine
  • 47. 3-Methylcrotonoylglycine-2TMS
  • 48. 3-Methylglutaconic acid
  • 49. 3-Methylglutaconic acid(E)
  • 50. 3-Methylglutaconic acid-2TMS
  • 51. 3-Methylglutaric acid
  • 52. 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid
  • 53. 4-Hydroxybutyric acid
  • 54. 4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid
  • 55. 4-Hydroxyphenyllactic acid-2TMS
  • 56. 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid-oxime
  • 57. 5-Hydroxy-2-furoic acid
  • 58. 5-Oxoproline
  • 59. 7-Hydroxoctanoic acid
  • 60. Acetoacetic acid
  • 61. Acetoacetic Acid-2TMS
  • 62. Acetylglycine
  • 63. Acetylglycine-2TMS
  • 64. Aconitic acid
  • 65. Adipic acid
  • 66. Azelaic acid
  • 67. Benzoic acid
  • 68. Butyrylglycine
  • 69. Butyrylglycine-2TMS
  • 70. Caproic acid
  • 71. Citric acid
  • 72. Decadienedioic acid
  • 73. Dodecanedioic acid
  • 74. Ethylhydracrylic acid
  • 75. Ethylmalonic acid
  • 76. Fumaric acid
  • 77. Glutaconic acid
  • 78. Glutaric acid
  • 79. Glyceric acid
  • 80. Glycerol
  • 81. Glycolic acid
  • 82. Glyoxylic acid-oxime
  • 83. Hexanoylglycine
  • 84. Hippuric acid- 2TMS
  • 85. Hippuric acid-1TMS
  • 86. Homogentisic Acid-2TMS
  • 87. Homovanillic acid
  • 88. Isobutyrylglycine
  • 89. Isobutyrylglycine-2TMS
  • 90. Isocitric acid
  • 91. Isovaleroglycine TMS ester
  • 92. Isovalerylglycine
  • 93. Lactic acid
  • 94. Maleic acid
  • 95. Malic acid
  • 96. Malonic acid
  • 97. Mesaconic acid
  • 98. Methylcitric acid(1)
  • 99. Methylcitric acid(2)
  • 100. Methylmalonic acid
  • 101. Methylsuccinic acid
  • 102. Mevalonic lactone
  • 103. Mevalonolactone
  • 104. N-Acetylaspartic acid
  • 105. N-Acetyltyrosine
  • 106. Octanoic acid
  • 107. Octenedioic acid
  • 108. Orotic acid
  • 109. Oxalic acid
  • 110. Palmitic acid
  • 111. Phenylacetic acid
  • 112. Phenyllactic acid
  • 113. Phenylpyruvic acid-oxime
  • 114. Phosphoric acid
  • 115. Pimelic acid
  • 116. Propionylglycine
  • 117. Propionylglycine1
  • 118. Pyruvic acid-oxime
  • 119. Sebacic acid
  • 120. Suberic acid
  • 121. Suberylglycine
  • 122. Succinic acid
  • 123. Succinylacetone
  • 124. Thiodiglycolic acid
  • 125. Tiglylglycine- 2TMS
  • 126. Tiglylglycine-1TMS
  • 127. Trimethylsilyl(TMS) decanoate
  • 128. Uracil
  • 129. Urea
  • 130. Uric Acid
  • 131. Valproic acid
  • 132. Vanillylmandelic acid

Lab Test & Blood Test in Agra

Experience the advantage of convenient and affordable lab tests in Agra through Dr Lal PathLabs. As a renowned diagnostic center, we offer an extensive range of lab test services, ensuring accessibility to accurate and dependable health information.

Blood Test Near Me and Significance of Lab Tests

Diagnosis and Disease Detection

Instrumental in diagnosing various medical conditions, lab tests analyze blood samples, urine, or other bodily substances. Healthcare professionals in Agra can pinpoint the presence of diseases or disorders, emphasizing the importance of early detection for timely and effective treatment.

Monitoring and Treatment

For individuals already diagnosed with a health condition, lab tests play a crucial role in monitoring disease progression. Regular testing allows healthcare providers in Agra to assess treatment effectiveness and make necessary adjustments for improved patient outcomes.

Preventive Care

Lab tests are not just reactive but also proactive in Agra. They are integral in preventive care, identifying potential health risks before they manifest into full-fledged diseases. This proactive approach empowers individuals to make lifestyle changes or seek early interventions, preventing the onset of serious health issues.

Common Blood Tests with Price in Agra and Nearby

  • HbA1c Test
  • Liver Function Test(Lft)
  • Kidney Function Test (Kft)
  • Lipid Profile Test
  • CBC Test
  • Cholesterol Test
  • Vitamin D Test
  • Vitamin B12 Test
  • CA125 Test

Dr Lal PathLabs in Agra : Unparalleled Commitment

Dr Lal PathLabs in Agra provides a comprehensive and advanced approach to pathology tests and health diagnostics. From convenient scheduling to cutting-edge facilities and a commitment to excellence, our services significantly contribute to the well-being of individuals and the community. Choose Dr Lal PathLabs in Agra for a holistic and reliable healthcare experience.

Seamless Convenience at Your Doorstep

In addition to in-lab testing, Dr Lal PathLabs in Agra offers the added convenience of home collection for blood tests. This service ensures individuals can undergo necessary tests without leaving their homes, promoting accessibility and adherence to healthcare routines.

Choosing Dr Lal PathLabs for Diagnostic Excellence in Agra

Key Factors for Consideration

When seeking diagnostic excellence in Agra, factors such as accuracy, reliability, affordability, and convenience take center stage. Dr Lal PathLabs excels in meeting these criteria, establishing itself as the preferred choice among residents.

A Benchmark in Pathology Services

Dr Lal PathLabs in Agra stands out as a benchmark in pathology services, offering unparalleled expertise in sample analysis and delivering accurate results. Our unwavering commitment to quality ensures that individuals receive reliable information, empowering them to make informed healthcare decisions.

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Hemophilia: Causes, Symptoms & Diagnosis

Blood contains plasma proteins that cause it to clot in cases of cuts and injuries. However, people suffering from hemophilia disease have a deficiency of these essential proteins, which affects their blood’s ability to clot and causes excessive bleeding. ...This article provides valuable insights into childhood haemophilia and its various aspects.

Team Dr Lal PathLabs
18 April 2024

Haemophilia in Children

Haemophilia in children is a rare medical condition that affects blood clotting ability. Understanding its types, causes, complications, and symptoms is essential for ensuring early diagnosis and tailored treatment strategies. ...This article provides valuable insights into childhood haemophilia and its various aspects.

Team Dr Lal PathLabs
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What is Type 2 Diabetes?

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